Wednesday, November 13, 2013

33 weeks and Top 3 Things People Say...

33 Weeks
I apologize for not blogging in a while. Only a few of you understand how exhausted I have been. Just like every singleton pregnancy is different, every twin pregnancy is just as different. There are many pregnant women with twins who carry full term and have energy. I am definitely NOT them. I am not a great blogger!

What is new in the development?
Movement/Position: All over. They are in a 69 position, but B flips all over the place. Though, she is often feet down. She sticks her big out all the time causing some significant discomfort. It didn't bother me at first… but now that she is bigger it looks like a freak show and feels even stranger. A always has her little feet moving around the middle of my belly, right around where her sister's head is. Kicking her in the face… :) 

Ultrasounds: Are twice a week now. The last one was on Tuesday and A's head looks like it is ready to pop out at any minute. We can't get any good pictures of them anymore.  *Sad face*

Size: Not sure on an accurate weight. The last weight was taken 3 weeks ago: 3.9 and 3.6 lbs. Im feeling like they are more around 6 lbs now! The next weight will be taken next week.

Cervical exam: 4cm dilated and posterior. Posterior is a good thing, it means the head is still back far enough I guess… 

Contractions: Yes. Mostly Braxton Hicks. However, last night I had a series of them every 2 minutes for 40 seconds. It only lasted about an hour and subsided so I could sleep. I do think I dilated more because of some very light blood this morning. God knows I will go into the hospital at a 9 and not feel a thing! I did confirm with my OB that the babies will not just fall out like I keep imagining. :) 

Csection or Vag?: Thankfully, my dr is strong on Vag deliveries. However, she is the only dr at that office that believes that for twins because she is the only one that has experience in breech vag babies as long as A is vertex. I prefer a vag delivery, but if she is not on call or is unable to come and the babies are still opposite then I am doing a csection. I do NOT want a double whammy! 

Sleep: Exhausted all of the time. Today is the first day I have had some type of energy in a few weeks. Maybe evidence that labor is around the corner? I don't sleep much at night because I am usually up to pee and have random contractions… so much fun!

Mood: I am moody most days, but some days I am very calm. 

Top 3 Things people say that piss me off  ruffle my feathers:
1) "WOW! You look like you're due any day!"
My response (not necessarily out loud): Yep, and my water is going to break right now. Better get the broom!

2) "You are really going to have your hands full!" 
My Response: What do you mean? They don't take care of themselves?

3) "You better sleep NOW!" 
My Response: How about you try sleeping with two moving babies in your belly, contraction, having to pee, pee, contraction, pee, more moving, can't get comfy, contraction, pee… 

Here are some funny pics:

Thursday, October 17, 2013

29 weeks- That's embarrassing!

So I'm sitting here at the lab for my 3 hr glucose test. I'm hungry and thirsty, but can't have anything! Definitely getting a chipolte salad after this!
I forgot to tell you yesterday that at my last checkup my cervix dropped from 1.9 to 1.7. The babies still look good though. They are no longer going to be looking at my cervix and will fo an FFN test next week to see if I am going to go into labor. Here is a link to read more. FFN

I've had a few random contractions since then, so it is probably lower now.  It was pretty neat to see them "breath" and use their lungs during the ultrasounds. I've had 4 rounds of steroids to increase their lungs, so we are hoping for healthy babies! 

Ok, ready for the embarrassing stuff? Men, do not read further! 
I don't see any men reading this, but I had to put that disclaimer in... 
1) weight gain- not a big deal and not too embarrassing, but at 28 weeks I had gained 47 lbs. I didn't mean to listen, but the dr said it and I stuck my fingers in my ears like a preschooler and lalalalaed. Pretty mature, right?
2) The need for diapers- Adult ones. Before I used to feel myself pee when I would sneeze, cough, or move fast. Now, it just comes like a leaky focet and I don't know! Lovely, huh? 
3) The bowels- either stopped or continuously flowing. Take that for what it is... 
4) hungry- I'm so hungry. I was so excited at the beginning when I search info about multiple pregnancies. Many people said they had no room to eat. Well apparently, I made room and can eat every 5 minutes. I even wake up at 1am hungry. Guess everyone's pregnancy is different?
5) Emotional train wreck! Everything makes me cry, mad or laugh... 
6) Spider veins... EVERYWHERE! 
7) Thinking- can't form a complete thought without a million other thoughts racing through my brain. I cannot seem to form a logical thought. It was bad before, but... Oh crap, I forgot what I was going to say. 
8) Huge veins- Everytime I look at my belly, I think of all of the river channels that run through the Amazon.
This is what my belly looks like. Ill post a "real" belly picture next week.

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

29 weeks- Plus1 3rd Bday!

29 weeks

It has been a while, not because I haven't been thinking of you... I have. I haven't wanted to blog because I am an emotional wreck! ICEBERG, RIGHT AHEAD!

Oh yea... EMO! No sleep and hormones makes for a very miserable pregnant woman.

I do not mind the lack of sleep. I am used to that. It is when the babies are in strange positions and push against every wall in your belly that makes it horrible. Don't get me wrong... I am so happy that I am still pregnant, but there is a tiny part of me that wishes I would go into labor soon.

Last night, I was in the "bear" position for about 40 minutes to get some relief. It worked! I was able to sleep more than 30 minutes consecutively. 

My Plus 1's 3rd Birthday Bash!

We did a pirate theme this year and it was a BLAST! It was difficult getting things ready while I am supposed to be on bed rest, but we managed and I'm still pregnant!

Here are a few pictures:
Originally I used 2 plastic table cloths, one pink and one black. I just cut slits in them and made the hubs hang them up. But with the little kids running around, the pink one fell off. Black still looks good!
The treasure chest was sitting by the front door. A friend of mine made the chest for our wedding a few years ago and we just filled it up with pirate gear. 

Here are the snacks. Shark bait= gold fish, cannon balls= grapes, pirate booty= pirate booty, and gold= round tortilla chips (I messed up the nacho cheese! Who does that?) I thought I saved the food signs to attach it here, but I didn't. :( 

Pirate hook game. First, I decorated the board. I poked holes in the large piece of card board. The hooks have a loop in the back, so I tied string to the loop and attached the string to the back with tape. Rings- I forgot about the rings, so I made some out of aluminum foil. 

Her amazing aunt and uncle made the "plank". I originally wanted to have a blue plastic table cloth under it with "shark fins", but she the hubs set it up the construction paper shark fins kept blowing over. Im sure it would have worked it I would have used a heavier card stock. The blue table cloth turned into the "water" at the end of the plank. 

We filled the sand pit with "treasure"; dollar store rings, mardi gras beads, and gold coins. 
For the cupcakes I just had the kids make their own. A friend of mine made chocolate shells and pirate themed candies as toppers for the cupcakes. I gave each kid a few to choose from. I crushed up graham crackers and they were able to use that as "sand" on top of their cupcake. They were able to put their own sprinkles and frosting on as well. It was a blast! I think each girl had 2 or 3 cupcakes. :) 

Gotta love pinterest!

I plan on posting tomorrow, so keep a look out for that!

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

26 weeks- 1.9 cm

Went in for a transvag ultrasound today thinking maybe this would be my last ultrasound. It isn't!
First of all, the twosies look great!
A is measuring 2lbs 3 oz and in the vertex position. 
B is measuring 2 lbs 6oz and also in the vertex position. She went from breech to vertex and I didn't feel it. Like a ninja!
Cervix went from a 2.8 to 1.9. The doctor said she wants me on modified bedrest still, but I am putting myself on full. When I was on full, my cervix didn't move. The perinatologist suggested full the last time I saw her and she has more experience than my doctor. So I'm going full and will only be up for 2 hrs a day. Babies need to cook!

What has been going on this week? 
These hips don't lie: some incomfortable pain in my right hip. Possibly because B is now pushing against it? 
These boots were made for walking: Walking? I feel like they are just going to pop out down there. I admit that I have done too much this week. I haven't walked much, but have been sitting upright a lot. When I do walk, it feels like a ton of bricks between my legs. 
Contraction-traction-: I've had a few, maybe I could count on my hand the amount of contractions I've had this past week, the painful ones. I remember one in particular when my Plus 1 was home. I laid down on the couch and it started. I was trying to focus and she came over "mommy mom mamma mommy" I said, "what baby?" She wanted breakfast!! Well, I told her she needed to wait. She didn't like that, so she woke up her daddy. I felt really bad when I asked her to leave me alone, mommy hurts. :( 
The contractions feel like how my periods felt before I had Ava. Like the kind that 800-1000mg of naproxen would cure. Thankfully, I have 1 or 2 at a time and they disappear, but are these 1 or 2 causing the progression in my cervix? Or was it from sitting up or from the constipation last week?
Funneling a tunnel: I have felt something going on in the vajayay. Apparently the funneling is causing that feeling of something being in there. Nice, huh? 

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

25 Weeks

25 Weeks

I havent posted in 2 weeks! I am so sorry... Bed rest must be sooooo much fun!

Haha... Seriously, bed rest is kind of nice. Difficult to get used to and probably not ideal with a 3 year old, but I am resting!

Last week I went in for an ultrasound and everything came back fine. The babies are beautiful and my cervix didn't move from the spot it was at before. My OB did send me in to get a round of steroid shots to help the lungs develop (celestone I think is the name). The first one, Wednesday, hurt like hell. The following day's shot wasn't so bad. I had to keep all profanity to myself because I had my little Plus 1 with me. She was AMAZING during the entire 2 hour process.
I was not, however, ready for the side effects of the shot. First thing I noticed were my cheeks. They were bright red, like I was a drunken Irish girl or just kissed by the sun. The next thing I noticed was the restlessness. I wanted to sleep, but my heart raced and had other plans. I would lay down or even slightly at a decline and it felt like all of the blood in my body went to my neck and I couldn't breath. When I would fall asleep, I was quickly awaken by the sound of my snore!! Talk about annoying... 
My scalp was super itchy... GROSS, I know! But that usually happens to me when I eat something I'm allergic to. My Boobs.... They turned red as well! Swelling? YEP! Needless to say, I am not a fan.
Time for TMI talk- Since I had the shot, I cannot have a comfortable BM and it is killing me. I usually go several times a day with no issues. Now I am only going once daily or every couple of days. I can't stand it. I feel sooooo stopped up. However, it isn't hard when it comes out- just the process is difficult, if you get my drift. I drink a ton of water and eat lots of fiber. I even tried eating dairy, cheese and ice cream, to help clean me out... No go! This is the most ANNOYING feeling ever! I really think Baby A's head is just blocking everything... SO I am going to try some yoga poses and see if I can't move her.

There really isn't anything new this week, except I do have some tips for surviving bed rest with a toddler/preschooler.
1) If you are able to, send them to daycare/preschool/babysitter. It makes your daily naps and couch lounging more peaceful. They do not like to see you relaxing. 
2) Groom yourself daily. Take a shower, do your hair and makeup, dress comfortably. This will lift your spirits and put you in a good mood to do nothing. 
3) Catch up on your reading. Most of the classics are free on your reader, if you have one.
4) Take interest in new shows/movies. I really haven't developed this yet, but I have caught up on some movies on Netflix.
5) Join those mommy/baby boards. Find groups that fit your interests. For me, I joined boards about twins. Just a warning- some women get really RUDE and obnoxious... Deal with them how you wish, but don't let them piss you off. The crazy women have not graced their presence in some of those boards. 
6) If you do have a tablet, invest in some apps that will entertain your child. 
7) Do not feel bad that you are not giving them your undivided attention and keeping them engaged. This is a time for you to relax and keep cooking those babies! Most kids will understand that mommy cannot move too much if you explain it to them. Mine understands and will let me lay on the couch. Unfortunately, she will NOT let me fall asleep. Every 5 minutes I hear "Mommy, Mom, Momma, Mom , Mom, Mommy, Mommy..." Sounds like that little baby from that silly cartoon show. 
8) If your child wants you to do something with them, see if you can somehow manuvoer the situation so that you can still lay down. I have a coffee table by the couch, so if she wants me to color or play with playdoh I can lay on my side and still work with her. 
9) Have a reading time with your child. Pick a few books for the day. Try not to pick the same ones daily. There are only so many times I can read The Hungry Caterpillar and 101 Dalmatians before I want to go crazy!!
10) Don't worry about the crazy messy house. Try not to... It will get cleaned when it gets clean. If you can, have your child help clean. Sometimes I tell her that she needs to pick up her toys before we watch a movie or read a story or have lunch... Try to make it game, "Pick up all of the yellow toys." If the mess is too much, invite friends and family over. They will be more than happy to help.
11) Keep healthy snacks and drink accessible to your child. Otherwise you will be up more than you intended catering to their munchies. 

Well, my eyes are crossing which means it is time for bed!  Feel free to add more!

Here are the twosies at 25 weeks. 

Monday, September 2, 2013

22/23 weeks

22/23 Weeks
These past two weeks have been pretty adventurous. Let me break it down:

  • Last week I would wake up every morning around 3:30 to contractions that we painful, like I was going to start my period. I would track them on my nifty app and they would go away after an hour or so. They would happen periodically throughout the day as well. I started to get worried about it Saturday. I did a little research and came across a thing called Prodormal labor. It describes exactly what I had with my Plus 1. Women will contract and dilate to 3 or 4 cm and will stay there. One article described it as being like a feeling when you get a cold sore, that tingling before the sore comes. I haven't had one of those, but maybe it could be like that feeling before you get sick or the way your skin feels before you get a zit. It is the body just getting ready. Some women have it, some don't. Anyways, could be what I am experiencing. Actually, I know it is!
  • I started to "google" how to stop preterm labor. I was in the downward dog and bear yoga positions all Sunday. I did come across magnesium supplements to stop preterm. I should have known! A few hours after I took the supplements the contractions stopped and I felt amazing. I woke up at 3am this time with no contractions. It was nice. I knew from the beginning that I was deficient in something. I just didnt know what. I suspected it was magnesium. I asked my doctor, not knowing that all of the bloodwork they tested for doesn't test for magnesium because it is absorbed by your bones. I told them I am deficient in something mainly because of my nails. Horribly brittle, uncharacteristic. Anyways, took it and haven't had many issues since!!! Do some research on magnesium in pregnancy, twin pregnancies, and in general health. It does amazing things. It is a natural muscle relaxer, protects your heart, lungs, digestion... This mineral is amazing. I'm starting to wonder if I was deficient for the first pregnancy and that would cause prodormal labor and why her teeth are horrible and her nails are brittle despite the amounts of calcium she intakes. 
  • In just one week of taking magnesium I have noticed some substantial things. 
    • First is the obvious, contractions. I NEED to take 500mg in the morning and 500 at night to keep contractions at bay. As soon as I try to experiment with taking less or staggering them throughout the day, I have contractions. Interesting that I told a nurse this and she called them Braxtons... I'm sorry, but I am very familiar with Braxtons. Not Braxtons at all, especially when you lose your mucus plug. She didn't know anything about me, so I just laughed. 
    • Back to the mags. Another difference that I see in just one week are my nails! They are starting to grow back. And they are strong! 
    • My dizzy spells are gone. I was getting dizzy constantly sitting or laying down. It was annoying. I haven't been dizzy in a few days. 
    • I can sleep! It is so nice to be able to sleep through the night without waking up in pain or being uncomfortable. 
  • Back to the mucus plug thing... I am pretty sure it came out a week ago, the day I started the magnesium. When this happens, it usually doesn't mean much and it grows back. It is normal for it to come out during prodormal labor.
Now, I am pretty confident that these babies will make it to at least 36 weeks. I would like to go longer of course, but we will see what happens!

How are the twosies?
Size: 1lb 3 oz each
Heart beats:153 and 155
Positioning: Baby A is head down with her feet by my left rib cage. Baby B is breech with her head on my right ribs, he feet are by her head and her butt is in her sister's face. 
Movement: Lots of movement. I love it. A and B are on different schedules already. Ill feel A for part of the day, then B will wake up. Occasionally, I feel both.
Cravings: PSL from Starbucks... It is officially FALL!
Nothing else interesting is going on because I am on bed rest. It is actually very uncomfortable sitting up, so I can't spend much time on the computer. I do lay in bed on the iPad often. 

I will post a picture tomorrow! 

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

21 Weeks

21 weeks
I am 21 weeks with 3 more weeks until these twosies are viable! It is so scary to think that, but I have every intention of keeping these babies in until at least 36 weeks and if I need to be on bed rest until then, SO BE IT!

Bed rest is a nerve racking experience. I went on bed rest a little too early this round, earlier than expected- all because of work. I need a sitdown/ laydown couch job. :) 

I can across an article about vernix. It intrigued me, so I looked into it more. I wouldn't say I "researched" it, because I hate that term when all you have is the internet on hand without actually experiencing the idea. Anyways- vernix is that white coating on the baby when they are born. Many people don't want to hold their baby until this coating is off and the baby is cleaned up and swaddled. My experience with Ava wasn't that I wanted her clean- I was in complete shock because she was so beautiful and perfect. I couldn't move.... Kind of silly, but yea... I know now I will put this little tid bit in my birth plan. Some studies suggest holding off on giving the newborn a bath because the vernix will actually help protect the baby's skin. The exposure of those nasty bacterias after they are born wont be as shocking if you delay their first bath. Apparently it acts as a hydrophobic barrier, antimicrobial, temperature regulator, antioxidant, antibacterial, and a moisturizer. The vernix will naturally come off after 5 days. Some people have said that it helps premies because of the protectant properties. They also suggest that it will help the babies to bond easily to the mother. Not that they don't already bond, but rather than putting them in an unnatural bath with regular baby shampoo first or even a few minutes later will make a difference. With the possibility of having premies, I am all for this! One article I read even suggested taking a bath with your baby as their first experience. 
Here is one article and to the right of it are more abstract you can search through. Also "google" "delay baby's first bath". A ton of information will pop up. It is interesting to note that many of the studies were completed in the 70s, 80s, and 90s. Not too many recently used in this particular article.

We have been racking our brains for NAMES! Nothing is sticking out. With Ava, we had 3 names that came to us- it was so easy! Now, I/we cannot think of any we can agree on. 

What is going on?
Dizzy- Mainly when I am sitting or laying down. The other day I was sitting up in bed with Ava. Her head was on my stomach and I kept getting dizzy. 10 minutes later I blacked out for a split second, jilted because I thought I fell out of bed. I didn't. Sitting her on the computer I get bouts of dizziness. Driving with the hubs the other day, I got car sick because I was dizzy. I have a feeling these babies are sitting on something that is blocking the blood to my brain!! 
Stomach issues- Im back to hypoallergenic foods for me! Hopefully, I can resist the urge to indulge in those delicious things pregnant women should eat. My stomach is killing me.

See you next week for an update on the cervix!

 or two...

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

20 weeks part 2

20 Weeks Part 2

I went to see my Dr for an ultrasound on my cervix yesterday. It has shortened, so now I am on bed rest for 2 weeks. She said I am extremely dehydrated. I know I am! I started back to work 2 weeks ago. I made sure to bring in a water purifier for my classroom and started off pretty well drinking water. Then, it got really busy. The past 2 days one of my students drank from my cup and I just couldn't bring myself to drink from it again without it soaking in hot water... I cant even drink after my Plus 1, how am I going to drink after a student????
I woke up with morning with a charlie horse in my leg! I haven't have those since I was in high school. How crazy is that? It is 9 am and I have already had 99oz of water. Still thirsty... but no contractions, yet!!
The dr did say I may have a UTI, so she is running some cultures. 

Let's talk about the Twosies!

Weight- Each measured at 12oz!! Average size is 10oz... About the size of a banana. They are being nice and sharing the food. They have enough fluid as well. 
Heart beats- Both in the 160s. 
Baby A is still low and B is on my right rib cage. A is usually sprawled out and B is curled up with her back facing out. 
They look so big in the ultrasound! They look like babies now and not little aliens. :) 
I left my pictures at the dr's office... Hoping to call them today to see if they still have them. 

Time to fill out some leave paperwork and take a nap. See you next week!

Monday, August 12, 2013

20 weeks

20 Weeks
I cannot believe it has been 3 weeks since my last post! AH! I started back to work and haven't had the energy to do anything at home. Let's see what is going on this week:

Hormonal- Yes! I cry at the drop of a hat and I will laugh hysterically when I am done. It doesn't make sense. 
Sleep- Yes and No. When I want and can sleep in, I am unable to because my Plus 1, almost 3 yrs old, likes to wake me up between 6-7am. This past saturday I was so ready to sleep till 10 am, but my Plus 1 yelled at me because I was on the wrong side of the bed. Then, she wanted "dinner" (hasn't learned what "breakfast" means). At this point, I am ready to fill her room full of granola bars so she can feed herself. :)  This morning is Monday and of course I have to get up early to go to work. Instead of letting my alarm wake me up at 5am, I am up at 3am. Even better. This happens every work day. I am tired and I do try to lay there to fall back to sleep, but I just can't. 
Cravings- Food. I have had a hankering for buffalo chicken. Horrible for you and loaded with sodium which doesn't help my sausage fingers. I keep meaning to go grocery shopping to pick up some ingredients to make cauliflower buffalo bites. I did have my fix for sauerkraut. I have a very large container as backup.
My belly- It is getting big. I went to see the perinatologist 2 weeks ago. Everything with the twosies is amazing. They couldn't get a read on my cervix because I was contracting. Lovely. It was just a braxton hicks contraction; however, I have been getting them more frequently and am nervous about what the doctor is going to say on Tuesday about my cervix. The contractions happen when I am sleeping and will wake me up. They get to the point where I cannot get comfortable and they will not go away till I stand up. It is such a nice feeling at 2 am. As soon as I lay down, they are back again. They happen as soon as my students leave from school. I think I ignore every signal my body gives me throughout the day and as soon as they leave it hits me like a ton of bricks. I tried to get a few things for dinner from Target, because it is on the way home, and I had that intense feeling of needing to sit down. I knew it was a bad feeling and I am praying my cervix hasn't changed on Tuesday. 
Movement- This week the movement has exploded! Baby B is going nuts. She sits right where my ribs meet. At first I thought it was a muscle spasm. But no, it is definitely all baby! She is having a party and it feels amazing. I can feel her little body on the right rib cage where it feels like she is going to bust it open. Baby A is a lot lower. She sits right on my bladder. I feel her most of the time.
What is on my mind? I had a lot on mind. I am so happy to made it to church on Sunday. The sermon was about mending broken relationships and how important your family and friends are. I am so thankful for my sister and her beautiful family. I am blessed to have amazing parents. I am also blessed to have wonderful friends. Some friends and I do not see eye to eye on certain things and I feel like they are often offensive and really piss me off deep down. I do know and need to remember that there are people who will never see what I see. Just because someone is a "negative" factor in you life, doesn't always mean you should rid them of a relationship. If there is a tiff over some silly bullshit, it is worth losing a family member or a friend? Let bygones be bygones and move past it. God always gives us a chance to start over before it is too late. 

Here is a not so good picture of me at 20 weeks: 

Saturday, July 27, 2013

17 weeks

17 weeks
What has happened this week? We are all PINK!!
2 beautiful girls are on their way. I was kind of hoping for at least 1 boy. 2 girls will give us an amazing life journey. I believe God has blessed us with two girls because he believes we can handle it. Anyone who has girls will understand this... :) 
This is my 2nd week of the progesterone shot. I would like to say that I have all of the "symptoms", but I really don't have anything different going on than before I started the shot. 
I haven't been drinking nearly enough water this past week and I am feeling it. More cramping and Braxton hicks over the past few days. My bowels did come to a screeching halt, but I just eat a ton of broccoli when this happens and all is smooth sailing again. 
Started prenatal yoga! It was amazing. I loved everything about it. However, when I was done I felt like the babies were in my diaphragm and it was the most uncomfortable feel ever. The instructor told me it was from the downward dog position, so I need to do it on the wall next time. 

Here is this week's breakdown:
Cravings: I want sauerkraut and horseradish sauce with french fries... 

Guilty pleasures: I love sandwiches. I never really wanted sandwiches before, but I have to have them now. I especially love them with organic grain bread, turkey, salami, tomato and a dash of pepper. OMG... I HAVE to make one as soon as I am done writing. Of course I am heating the meat up...

Emotions: Everything makes me laugh or cry. There is no in-between emotion. My passions for various things have multiplied immensely. I am really trying not to let what other people say bother me so much, but it is very difficult. However, this is all normal during pregnancy. I will be fine and I will not shun anyone for their beliefs. I do not believe in spreading hate or negative feeling about an idea. I will not drag people down, I will only lift them up. 

Energy: Nope, can't find that here!

My Plus 1
She is amazing. I was resting on the couch and she came over, rubbed my head with her soft little fingers and said, "I'll take care of you, mommy. Just relax." I can't tell you how this little girl makes me feel. She can be a diva sometimes, but it is so worth it. My girl is amazing. 
She has an imagination, too! She pretend plays like these imaginary characters are actually there. It is really neat to see her use her imagination. She has started giving her babies names, but I cannot make out what she is saying because she uses her high pitched 3 year old voice and I have no clue.
We had a gender reveal party and she wanted to wear this pretty pink tutu for it. She was a diva during the party, slept in the tutu at night and didn't take it off until her daddy made me take it off of her. I would have just let her party in it until she realized it was dirty. One thing about this pregnancy, I am a "Yes Mom". 

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

16 weeks, what's new?

16 Weeks

We discovered an AMAZING detail this week about the the twosies. Yes, it does have to do with sex... well, not sex, but gender sex! Im not telling until next week. We actually found out early because the ultrasound tech was confused. Here is what happened this week and what we found out at the ultrasound:

Size: Twosies would be 3 1/2 ounces based on the weeks. However they are a whopping 6 OZ each! Big babies. They are measuring 17 weeks- slightly larger than a turnip. 
Placement: Baby A is near my left hip bone. Baby B is close to my right rib cage... 
Movement:  Yes. It was wonderful to see them in action hitting and kicking each other. They rolled and spun all over the place. I am feeling it much more now, but Richard cannot. Im hoping around 20 weeks he will!
Measurements: They have 2 sides of their brains, 4 chambers in their hearts, all fingers and toes, bellies, 2 arms and legs. Baby A's heart rate went down to 131, but I cannot remember baby B. :( Like I said, they are measuring a week larger and weigh 6oz. 
Weight gain: I accidentally looked at the scale because I almost knocked it down with my pregnancy clumsiness.... 20lbs so far!! I guess all that fried chicken this weekend wasn't a good idea? OH! But, it was! 
Other "symptoms": Tired.. still tired, but more motivated. Motivation is good. Still hungry. Emotional. Everything lately seems so sad. I am also feeling pissed off at many people. I am laying low to not let my anger out and staying calm. I figure if I don't go out, I wont get mad. I snapped at a lady at Peter Piper Pizza when she asked what the take home boxes are for. Seriously, what are they for??!! I'm a "betch". 
Embarrassing Symptoms: Many of them! Oh Lawrd, Aint No Body Got Time For That! I guess when you're pg, you do! 

My plus 1
I showed my little Plus 1 the ultrasound pics and told her again that they were in my belly. She said, "No mommy, they are on the pictures!"
She doesn't seem to like the idea of being a big sister, yet. But, we are still working on it. The more I think about the twosies, the more I realize that they aren't really going to bond with her as much as only 1 other sibling would. The twosies will be best friends and that is GREAT! My little "Plus 1" will always be mine in a different way than the twosies will. 
She is a ham. She loves to goof off. Daycare says that she could be blonde (no offense to blondes out there). I think she gets it from her daddy. :)

Stay tuned for the gender announcement!

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

15 weeks + insecurities

Well, I am 15 weeks!

I keep thinking I am further along than I am because my belly is so large. It is giving me an unrealistic feeling that I am almost done with this pregnancy. It isn't that I hate being pregnant, it is just that this pregnancy is completely DIFFERENT than my last. With Ava, everything was beautiful- even when I went into preterm labor. I didn't feel a thing. Perfect. With the twosies, I am still cramping. I get nauseous every once in a while. The aches and pains are 100X worse than what I ever felt with Ava. They always say that no two pregnancies are the same. Which brings me to my next thought.

I was searching for celebrities who have gotten big during their pregnancies (completely normal). I really think that those people, not all celebs, who stay stick thin are aliens... But it is just how their bodies handle being pregnant and I need to not have my "haterade" in the morning.
Take Kim Kardashian for instance. It isn't that she got big, she is pregnant and she looks completely normal for a pregnant woman. I have never been much of a fan of hers until she was pregnant. She is beautiful and I believe she will be a wonderful mommy. Way to go Kim!
Jessica Simpson is another woman who is perceived to "get big" when she is pregnant. I hate the media. She is another beautiful pregnant woman. Why can't the media and society see that this is a NORMAL pregnancy!!??
Pink! OMG. She is such a cool woman. She is also amazing, but was seen as "too big" according to the media.
All of these women are/were proud of their bellies during pregnancy. They wore amazingly tight clothes that hugged their bellies snug for the entire world to see. The media makes a woman feel shameful for being "big" during their pregnancy. Why? Why do they do this? This is one time in a woman's life where we need to feel beautiful, appreciated, and loved by all no matter big or small.
Kate Middleton is percieved as being too small... As much as I would like to agree, I don't. This is the way her body is during pregnancy.
Point is every woman is different. Every pregnancy is different. To all the pregnant women out there, don't succumb to "media" and "society's" expectation of how much weight you should/shouldn't gain. Pregnancy is a natural event in life where we need to not worry about weight or anything else.

We all have our insecurities: you feel you are too big, too small, your boobs aren't perfect, your feet are too big. It is normal to feel this way and don't beat yourself up over these insecurities that society has given you. Some things can change, but others cannot. Be proud of who you are no matter what your doctors, clothing size, shoe size, "friends", "family" (sometimes are the worse), and what magazines tell you. Be healthy and love who you are, especially when you are pregnant. 

Back to me...
What makes me feel good? I feel good for getting on the eliptical machine. Obviously, I am not doing it to stay "small" or to lose weight. I get on to feel good. I like it... quit telling me to stop! I will stop when I damn well feel like I need quit. I don't even break a sweat. It is like "mall walking". 
Dreams- I woke up this morning with a horrible thought. Baby B was suffocated. It makes me cry thinking about it, but I have been worried about my little twosie ever since I saw the ultrasound. B looked a little squished, but if it were any cause for alarm the Dr would have made my appointment to see the perinatologist earlier than a month away. Right? 
I haven't been feeling them as much the past two weeks, but the ultrasound proved they were fine! So I need to quit worrying. 
Growth- The twosies are the size of an apple now. Well, 2 apples. The amazing development that happens from day one of conception is a miracle. To think that something so small is able to pee, react to light, have a heart beat, and can move is so beautiful. 
Placement- Baby A is in front of baby B. They are to my belly button. 

Oh, I have no rights to these photos I saves from Google images. ;) 

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

14 weeks + Gender??

~Happy 2nd Trimester~

Richard and I went to see the twosies today, together. I did a regular ultrasound and an internal.
Both babies are face down and head down (A was too around this time).

Baby A has a ton of room. The heartbeat was 161. We got a butt shot!

Baby B looks a little smooshed. The heartbeat was 143. Got a butt shot, too!

The dr and I discussed progesterone shots again. After thinking about them for a month, I have decided that I want to go through with it and start the shots at 16 weeks. I worry. I worry about everything and I think of the worse possible scenarios all the time. It isn't that I am a pessimist, I just think of all of the possibilities. It is horrible and I don't think I will ever be able to change. I'm going back to work soon and I want a piece of mind knowing that I have done everything I could to prevent preterm labor. I want to know that I am doing everything I can to keep these babies safe. There is no supportive evidence, though, to show that the shots prevent preterm in multiples.

I am going to go to the high risk dr soon to get measurements and to make sure the twosies are good.

I am also going to go to the cardiologist. I get winded from sitting on the couch and it will last all day. My heart rate will be over 100bpm. This happens at least 2x a week. I am absolutely sure it is hormonal, but I want to make sure that my heart isn't another factor for preterm labor. Going back to work soon will put a lot of stress on my body and heart. This will be just another reassurance that everything is OK.

Cervix is 3.3, so we are still good!

This week: 
Cravings-  I wanted Hooter's wings this morning. I am still craving collards. Salads? Yes, salads. Chocolate. I really want chocolate cake!

Sleep- What sleep? I did take a 3 hr nap yesterday! However, I did wake up at 4 am to work.... Yuck.

Pain- I have been feeling soooooo much growing lately. It feels like someone is taking my stomach muscles are ripping them apart sometimes. I get really back posterior pelvic pain which will last for day. It gets to the point where I cannot lift my right leg. I have started doing some stretching/exercises for my lower back the past week and haven't had any issues yet. I hope it is working!

Movement- Last week the twosies were maniacs. Since they have flipped, I am not feeling them as much, but I do feel their little backs push against the outside. They do this every morning.

The sex? 
We don't know for sure yet.
What do the Old Wives Tales say? Let's go through some of them.

Heart rates- Over 140 they are girls. But, B's is a lot slower than A's... 

Carrying- Im carrying low. Possibly boys. However, it is my 2nd and they are usually lower than the first.

Cravings- I'm craving everything, sweet and salty. I have always loved sweets, but was never a big salty person. This pregnancy, I am putting salt on almost everything. I love it! I woke up this morning wanting Hooter's wings, but settled for eggs and tomatoes. 

Morning sickness- I had it in the beginning, but upped the folic acid and now I'm better. I just get sick if I don't eat! I would say both boy and girl to this one because I was sick.

Sleep on the right or left side- I sleep on both. Only because I get very unformfortable sleeping on one side for too long. Earlier in the pregnancy, I would get dizzy sleeping on either side so I would sleep on my back. To this, I say both.

Hands- If your hands are soft- girl. Dry- boy. My skin was really dry in the beginning, now it has kind of evened out. I will say both.

What do you think they are?

 (actually 13 weeks in pic)

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

13 Weeks + 2 Peaches + Foamy Bread?

Happy 13 Weeks! 

The Twosies have fingerprints now. Isn't that amazing? Something so small can have identifying features. 
They are each 3 inches long, about the size of a peach! The twosies also are forming vocal cords. If the twosies are girls, they already have ovaries and eggs in the ovaries! The development is just amazing. But, I am hoping for boys this time. 

As I reflect on this week's food choices, I am in shock over the amount of crap I have eaten. I'm NOT overly concerned about the amount of weight I am gaining, I am concerned over the amount of crap that I am ingesting and, boy, am I feeling it.
I have had stomach aches almost every day this week. I've been eating breads, pasta, cheese, canned soups, processed high sodium and everything else I shouldn't eat. I think these food are causing me to dehydrate easily; therefore, causing me to cramp a lot more. 
I am bloated... and it sucks. So, time for me to flush and eat more fresh foods. 

My sister informed me that bread has FOAM! WTF... FOAM?
So I looked into it as soon as I got home. I started thinking about that loaf of bread in my pantry that has been good for over a month... Gross!
Most breads contain Bromide and Azodicarbonamide. 
Bromide apparently is naturally occurring in ocean creatures. We ingest it through food, asthma inhalers, and other medications. Fire retardants and an alternative for pool chlorine are both made from this substance. However, when humans ingest too much bromide, it harms your endocrine system. It is linked to thyroid problems, cancers, behavioral problems, and the more severe: psychosis and schizophrenia.

Azodicarbonamide is another food additive. It was first used as an ingredient to build foam plastics and synthetic rubber (yoga mats for example). The UK advised its people that this substance is the cause of Asthma! Of course it is banned in European countries, but not in the good old USA!

Here is the link to the pesticide database that contains the interesting side effects if inhaled or comes into contact with your skin/eyes... 

Well, I feel bad for feeding my family the bread that stays good for years. Nothing but the fresh made stuff for us!

Just a funny I felt was appropriate for this week... 

Thursday, June 20, 2013

12+ weeks

Almost out of the "worrisome" first trimester!

The twosies were playing the drums today. It is such a good feeling.

I have been on the elliptical more, maybe twice this week! 
If my body is telling me I need to rest and not move, then I listen. The weight will come off and it isn't something to be concerned over. 
Being pregnant with twins, your body wants you to gain more weight in the beginning because you really wont have any room to eat towards the end and you may go into preterm labor. The more weight you gain earlier on, the healthier the babies will be in if they are born earlier. 

Aches and Pains- 
My hips hurt! Well, one hip hurts. It is always popping. 
Sciatica nerve pain is a bitch! Sunday, I couldn't walk without feeling like my back was going to break. I did a few lower back arch stretches that took care of it for a little while, but it hurts so bad that I don't like doing them. 

Food and snacks-
I made peach cobbler on Sunday for Father's Day. It was delish! The Hubs didn't even take a bite, so I ate it all in 3 days. :)
I also made 2 dips- basil hummus, and dill yogurt dip ( he doesn't like that either). I've been dipping cucumbers, carrots, and celery in with an occasional chip or cracker. 
I have never really liked cereal too much, but lately it has been my go to breakfast! I love to chop up bananas, strawberries, and blueberries and add them to my cereal. 
I made toasted asian quinoa for lunch today. It was really tasty! Saved some left overs for lunch tomorrow. 
If you would like to see these recipes, let me know and I will update this post. 

Can't sleep... Bought some camomile tea to help calm me down.

Hormones- are going wacky!
I feel like I am having a boy, but I thought Ava was going to be a boy. 
I think I am having a boy because I feel like my testosterone levels have increased. My face has started breaking out, also I have the patience of a rubber band and can snap at any time. I guess we will find out in about 5 weeks. Until then we will keep guessing. 

 12 months with twosies (blurry)

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

11 Weeks: Development "Wait! Did I forget something?"

Well, the Twosies are 11 weeks yesterday. There has been so much going on in this belly, that it is unbelievable.

The Twosies are the 1 1/2 inches long each. Both are approximately the size of a fig.

They already have personalities. Baby B was a dancin' maniac; while baby A was very chill. It will be interesting to see them in a month and if they still have the same personalities.
I am feeling them more often now which is the greatest feeling in the world. Let's see if I feel the same way in 3 months. The "doctors" say there is no way that twins can be felt this early; they say it is impossible. However, if you feel something little moving around and you don't, ehh emm, fart or burp shortly after it is probably the babies. And, second timers feel babies earlier anyways.

I was brushing my daughter's teeth and getting her ready for bed when she started to talk about the babies. I got so excited! She said while lifting her shirt, "I have 2 babies (holding up 2 fingers) in my belly. One here (pointing to one side of her belly) and one here (pointing to the other side)!" I asked her if mommy has babies in her belly, and she said, "No, no babies in your big belly! Just my big little belly!" I just about died... She cracks me up. The idea of brothers or sisters has been brought up to her, but I need to do something more. She is very nurturing, so I think she will be a great big sister. However, she now wants me to feed her like a baby and she wants to use the baby spoons. I honestly don't mind. If this makes her feel better, why stop?

Oh, I almost forgot...
Forgetfulness is in full swing! Anyone who knows me knows that I am normally forgetful. I need many reminders throughout the day. I think it has something to do with the enormous amount of information my brain can hold that it sometimes gets lost in there.
I sent out a card to our little niece who turned one, and just about misspelled everything- even my name. The poor guy behind the counter at the post office was very nice and understanding since I had my screaming miserable little girl right next to me when I was filling out the address and spelled the city wrong. He must have had grandchildren.
My husband asked me about dinner Monday night and I literally couldn't tell him the ingredients which included peas, corn, green beans and mashed potatoes... Nothing! I couldn't spit anything out, but he is so good he understood what I was saying.
I had to take my little one to the dentist and I couldn't think of the word "sealant". Instead it was, "You know those things that cover your teeth." She is having teeth issues even with brushing and flossing. (I'm thinking I may try to have to rinse with apple cider vinegar a couple times a week to kill the bacteria.)
I forgot that I has soup boiling on the stove, went to the bathroom and came back to find my stove top covered in hot soup!

Sleep- I have been staying up throughout the day instead of napping for the past few days because my brain just keeps thinking. It wants to gogogogo. I fall asleep easily, but have been waking up at 4:30 am without my little one's wake up call. If I lay there for 4 hours I will eventually fall asleep, but by that point my daughter wants to play and there is no sleep.

I have been trying to stay away from gluten, not because I want to jump on the GF bandwagon, but I do have a reaction every time I eat it. It is difficult though when your husband brings home donuts for breakfast. When the donuts aren't here, I will eat 2 egg tacos. I use 2 corn heated corn tortillas, 2 eggs, a little bit of cheese, and half an avocado.
It is pretty good and I haven't had a reaction, even though I am allergic to eggs and milk.
I do need to eat more protein, but I don't really want it. Going grocery shopping will help, I guess. Quinoa is a GF grain and a full protein. Very versatile. I'm not one for beans. Actually thinking about bean and legumes during this PG makes me gag. I did find almond milk ice cream and almost died of happiness!

What was the biggest thing you forgot about?

P.S. My BFF for 15 years turned 30 today! Happy birthday!

Friday, June 7, 2013

10 Weeks

I found out at week 6 I was pregnant with twins. I was in complete shock. I was scared to death. I honestly didn't think it would happen to me. I mean, my husband is only a twin and has a few sets on his side, and I have a few on my side. But, what are the odds? 
I cried... for days.
I cried over the fact that my spoiled rotten little 2 year old girl will no longer be my everything. She will now have to share- her toys and all of the attention. 
I cried over the fact that I work. I'm a teacher for students with exceptionalities. It was difficult to learn about the cuts that they are making to save money and the amount of kids I am going to have, but it would put more stress on my pregnant self. I cried because I really don't want to go back. As much as I love my class and my students, it tears me apart to know that I cannot put my own kids first. I am going to try to convince my husband that I need to stay home for a few years.
I cried over the financial aspect. How am I going to pay for day care for 3 kids on a teacher/policeman salary? 
I also cried over the belly. The first thing I did the night that I found out was google "twin pregnancy belly". I am going to get huge.
I cried over knowing how selfish all of these things seem since we were trying for another baby. One baby, not two more!
I cried because our family vacations to FL and GA will not be happening for a while. I wanted to take my daughter to Disney World in October, but I will be too pregnant...
I cried because I felt like shit. I was so sick; I felt like I had the flu. Body aches, fever, ear aches, joint pain, nausea... It was bad. Then, I can across an article that suggested that it could be a deficiency in folic acid. I immediately started taking an additional supplement on top of the prenatal for 800mg of folic acid. WOW! What a difference. I think all morning sickness sufferers need to up their folic acid. 
Oh! I cried because I was bleeding and cramping. I started bleeding after we went camping- I know, DUMB! 
When we went camping and I started bleeding, I didn't know we were having twins. I went to the OB to find out why I was bleeding, suspecting a miscarriage. They found TWINS, but didn't tell me why I was bleeding. We were so wrapped up in the twin thing that we all forgot. So, home I went. I bled for about a month. I went in for a follow up ultrasound 2 weeks after finding twins. The ultrasound tech (don't ever listen to them), said everything looked good, but the Dr would call. I was excited and by that time, the bleeding had lightened. A few days later at work, I bled more than before and it was dark and scary. I called the OB and they asked if I saw the DR. I replied, NO! So, the nurse told me over the phone that the doctor didn't see the ultrasound, but I had a "small subchorionic hemorrhage." I asked what that meant and she said it was just a bleed... WOW! Thanks for that information. 
Needless to say, due to their lax attitude about twins and my bleed I found a new OB! 
My new OB sent me in to do 5 pages of blood work orders. Oh MY! She also said I gained 10lbs in a month... CRAP! (I'm blaming it on the massive boob growth I have had.)
She said the bleed is GONE and I am free to move around the cabin. :) Since I had been on summer break for the past 2 week, I have not been doing much. I think it really helped to heal the bleed. 
She also suggested that I go on progesterone shots for every week starting at week 16 since I have a history of preterm labor. 
I am fighting in my head over this shot. I really believe that I went into preterm labor because I was completely dehydrated. They stopped it at 32 weeks and I was able to hold on to her until 37 weeks. I would think if it were truly preterm labor because of a thin cervix, I would have had her then or close to then. But hey, I am not a Dr.
I want to hold off on the shots until about 20 weeks or so. I am going in every month right now to measure my cervix, so maybe I will go off of what my cervix does. I am not sure.... 
I also read through March Of Dimes that progesterone shots have not had any effect on women with multiples. It hasn't been proven. Of course I want to do what is best for the babies. However, I feel like my motherly instinct is telling me these shots are not well enough researched. So many questions. Like, will it make the babies (if they are girls) more moody, have behavioral problems, be larger? If they are boys, will it make them more feminine? What kind of psycho pregnant lady will be on the shots? If i continue to drink my 2 gallons of water a day, will I even have preterm labor? 

Sorry for being so long winded on my first blog! :) 

Remember: If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say nothing at all....