Saturday, July 27, 2013

17 weeks

17 weeks
What has happened this week? We are all PINK!!
2 beautiful girls are on their way. I was kind of hoping for at least 1 boy. 2 girls will give us an amazing life journey. I believe God has blessed us with two girls because he believes we can handle it. Anyone who has girls will understand this... :) 
This is my 2nd week of the progesterone shot. I would like to say that I have all of the "symptoms", but I really don't have anything different going on than before I started the shot. 
I haven't been drinking nearly enough water this past week and I am feeling it. More cramping and Braxton hicks over the past few days. My bowels did come to a screeching halt, but I just eat a ton of broccoli when this happens and all is smooth sailing again. 
Started prenatal yoga! It was amazing. I loved everything about it. However, when I was done I felt like the babies were in my diaphragm and it was the most uncomfortable feel ever. The instructor told me it was from the downward dog position, so I need to do it on the wall next time. 

Here is this week's breakdown:
Cravings: I want sauerkraut and horseradish sauce with french fries... 

Guilty pleasures: I love sandwiches. I never really wanted sandwiches before, but I have to have them now. I especially love them with organic grain bread, turkey, salami, tomato and a dash of pepper. OMG... I HAVE to make one as soon as I am done writing. Of course I am heating the meat up...

Emotions: Everything makes me laugh or cry. There is no in-between emotion. My passions for various things have multiplied immensely. I am really trying not to let what other people say bother me so much, but it is very difficult. However, this is all normal during pregnancy. I will be fine and I will not shun anyone for their beliefs. I do not believe in spreading hate or negative feeling about an idea. I will not drag people down, I will only lift them up. 

Energy: Nope, can't find that here!

My Plus 1
She is amazing. I was resting on the couch and she came over, rubbed my head with her soft little fingers and said, "I'll take care of you, mommy. Just relax." I can't tell you how this little girl makes me feel. She can be a diva sometimes, but it is so worth it. My girl is amazing. 
She has an imagination, too! She pretend plays like these imaginary characters are actually there. It is really neat to see her use her imagination. She has started giving her babies names, but I cannot make out what she is saying because she uses her high pitched 3 year old voice and I have no clue.
We had a gender reveal party and she wanted to wear this pretty pink tutu for it. She was a diva during the party, slept in the tutu at night and didn't take it off until her daddy made me take it off of her. I would have just let her party in it until she realized it was dirty. One thing about this pregnancy, I am a "Yes Mom". 

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

16 weeks, what's new?

16 Weeks

We discovered an AMAZING detail this week about the the twosies. Yes, it does have to do with sex... well, not sex, but gender sex! Im not telling until next week. We actually found out early because the ultrasound tech was confused. Here is what happened this week and what we found out at the ultrasound:

Size: Twosies would be 3 1/2 ounces based on the weeks. However they are a whopping 6 OZ each! Big babies. They are measuring 17 weeks- slightly larger than a turnip. 
Placement: Baby A is near my left hip bone. Baby B is close to my right rib cage... 
Movement:  Yes. It was wonderful to see them in action hitting and kicking each other. They rolled and spun all over the place. I am feeling it much more now, but Richard cannot. Im hoping around 20 weeks he will!
Measurements: They have 2 sides of their brains, 4 chambers in their hearts, all fingers and toes, bellies, 2 arms and legs. Baby A's heart rate went down to 131, but I cannot remember baby B. :( Like I said, they are measuring a week larger and weigh 6oz. 
Weight gain: I accidentally looked at the scale because I almost knocked it down with my pregnancy clumsiness.... 20lbs so far!! I guess all that fried chicken this weekend wasn't a good idea? OH! But, it was! 
Other "symptoms": Tired.. still tired, but more motivated. Motivation is good. Still hungry. Emotional. Everything lately seems so sad. I am also feeling pissed off at many people. I am laying low to not let my anger out and staying calm. I figure if I don't go out, I wont get mad. I snapped at a lady at Peter Piper Pizza when she asked what the take home boxes are for. Seriously, what are they for??!! I'm a "betch". 
Embarrassing Symptoms: Many of them! Oh Lawrd, Aint No Body Got Time For That! I guess when you're pg, you do! 

My plus 1
I showed my little Plus 1 the ultrasound pics and told her again that they were in my belly. She said, "No mommy, they are on the pictures!"
She doesn't seem to like the idea of being a big sister, yet. But, we are still working on it. The more I think about the twosies, the more I realize that they aren't really going to bond with her as much as only 1 other sibling would. The twosies will be best friends and that is GREAT! My little "Plus 1" will always be mine in a different way than the twosies will. 
She is a ham. She loves to goof off. Daycare says that she could be blonde (no offense to blondes out there). I think she gets it from her daddy. :)

Stay tuned for the gender announcement!

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

15 weeks + insecurities

Well, I am 15 weeks!

I keep thinking I am further along than I am because my belly is so large. It is giving me an unrealistic feeling that I am almost done with this pregnancy. It isn't that I hate being pregnant, it is just that this pregnancy is completely DIFFERENT than my last. With Ava, everything was beautiful- even when I went into preterm labor. I didn't feel a thing. Perfect. With the twosies, I am still cramping. I get nauseous every once in a while. The aches and pains are 100X worse than what I ever felt with Ava. They always say that no two pregnancies are the same. Which brings me to my next thought.

I was searching for celebrities who have gotten big during their pregnancies (completely normal). I really think that those people, not all celebs, who stay stick thin are aliens... But it is just how their bodies handle being pregnant and I need to not have my "haterade" in the morning.
Take Kim Kardashian for instance. It isn't that she got big, she is pregnant and she looks completely normal for a pregnant woman. I have never been much of a fan of hers until she was pregnant. She is beautiful and I believe she will be a wonderful mommy. Way to go Kim!
Jessica Simpson is another woman who is perceived to "get big" when she is pregnant. I hate the media. She is another beautiful pregnant woman. Why can't the media and society see that this is a NORMAL pregnancy!!??
Pink! OMG. She is such a cool woman. She is also amazing, but was seen as "too big" according to the media.
All of these women are/were proud of their bellies during pregnancy. They wore amazingly tight clothes that hugged their bellies snug for the entire world to see. The media makes a woman feel shameful for being "big" during their pregnancy. Why? Why do they do this? This is one time in a woman's life where we need to feel beautiful, appreciated, and loved by all no matter big or small.
Kate Middleton is percieved as being too small... As much as I would like to agree, I don't. This is the way her body is during pregnancy.
Point is every woman is different. Every pregnancy is different. To all the pregnant women out there, don't succumb to "media" and "society's" expectation of how much weight you should/shouldn't gain. Pregnancy is a natural event in life where we need to not worry about weight or anything else.

We all have our insecurities: you feel you are too big, too small, your boobs aren't perfect, your feet are too big. It is normal to feel this way and don't beat yourself up over these insecurities that society has given you. Some things can change, but others cannot. Be proud of who you are no matter what your doctors, clothing size, shoe size, "friends", "family" (sometimes are the worse), and what magazines tell you. Be healthy and love who you are, especially when you are pregnant. 

Back to me...
What makes me feel good? I feel good for getting on the eliptical machine. Obviously, I am not doing it to stay "small" or to lose weight. I get on to feel good. I like it... quit telling me to stop! I will stop when I damn well feel like I need quit. I don't even break a sweat. It is like "mall walking". 
Dreams- I woke up this morning with a horrible thought. Baby B was suffocated. It makes me cry thinking about it, but I have been worried about my little twosie ever since I saw the ultrasound. B looked a little squished, but if it were any cause for alarm the Dr would have made my appointment to see the perinatologist earlier than a month away. Right? 
I haven't been feeling them as much the past two weeks, but the ultrasound proved they were fine! So I need to quit worrying. 
Growth- The twosies are the size of an apple now. Well, 2 apples. The amazing development that happens from day one of conception is a miracle. To think that something so small is able to pee, react to light, have a heart beat, and can move is so beautiful. 
Placement- Baby A is in front of baby B. They are to my belly button. 

Oh, I have no rights to these photos I saves from Google images. ;) 

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

14 weeks + Gender??

~Happy 2nd Trimester~

Richard and I went to see the twosies today, together. I did a regular ultrasound and an internal.
Both babies are face down and head down (A was too around this time).

Baby A has a ton of room. The heartbeat was 161. We got a butt shot!

Baby B looks a little smooshed. The heartbeat was 143. Got a butt shot, too!

The dr and I discussed progesterone shots again. After thinking about them for a month, I have decided that I want to go through with it and start the shots at 16 weeks. I worry. I worry about everything and I think of the worse possible scenarios all the time. It isn't that I am a pessimist, I just think of all of the possibilities. It is horrible and I don't think I will ever be able to change. I'm going back to work soon and I want a piece of mind knowing that I have done everything I could to prevent preterm labor. I want to know that I am doing everything I can to keep these babies safe. There is no supportive evidence, though, to show that the shots prevent preterm in multiples.

I am going to go to the high risk dr soon to get measurements and to make sure the twosies are good.

I am also going to go to the cardiologist. I get winded from sitting on the couch and it will last all day. My heart rate will be over 100bpm. This happens at least 2x a week. I am absolutely sure it is hormonal, but I want to make sure that my heart isn't another factor for preterm labor. Going back to work soon will put a lot of stress on my body and heart. This will be just another reassurance that everything is OK.

Cervix is 3.3, so we are still good!

This week: 
Cravings-  I wanted Hooter's wings this morning. I am still craving collards. Salads? Yes, salads. Chocolate. I really want chocolate cake!

Sleep- What sleep? I did take a 3 hr nap yesterday! However, I did wake up at 4 am to work.... Yuck.

Pain- I have been feeling soooooo much growing lately. It feels like someone is taking my stomach muscles are ripping them apart sometimes. I get really back posterior pelvic pain which will last for day. It gets to the point where I cannot lift my right leg. I have started doing some stretching/exercises for my lower back the past week and haven't had any issues yet. I hope it is working!

Movement- Last week the twosies were maniacs. Since they have flipped, I am not feeling them as much, but I do feel their little backs push against the outside. They do this every morning.

The sex? 
We don't know for sure yet.
What do the Old Wives Tales say? Let's go through some of them.

Heart rates- Over 140 they are girls. But, B's is a lot slower than A's... 

Carrying- Im carrying low. Possibly boys. However, it is my 2nd and they are usually lower than the first.

Cravings- I'm craving everything, sweet and salty. I have always loved sweets, but was never a big salty person. This pregnancy, I am putting salt on almost everything. I love it! I woke up this morning wanting Hooter's wings, but settled for eggs and tomatoes. 

Morning sickness- I had it in the beginning, but upped the folic acid and now I'm better. I just get sick if I don't eat! I would say both boy and girl to this one because I was sick.

Sleep on the right or left side- I sleep on both. Only because I get very unformfortable sleeping on one side for too long. Earlier in the pregnancy, I would get dizzy sleeping on either side so I would sleep on my back. To this, I say both.

Hands- If your hands are soft- girl. Dry- boy. My skin was really dry in the beginning, now it has kind of evened out. I will say both.

What do you think they are?

 (actually 13 weeks in pic)