First of all, the twosies look great!
A is measuring 2lbs 3 oz and in the vertex position.
B is measuring 2 lbs 6oz and also in the vertex position. She went from breech to vertex and I didn't feel it. Like a ninja!
Cervix went from a 2.8 to 1.9. The doctor said she wants me on modified bedrest still, but I am putting myself on full. When I was on full, my cervix didn't move. The perinatologist suggested full the last time I saw her and she has more experience than my doctor. So I'm going full and will only be up for 2 hrs a day. Babies need to cook!
What has been going on this week?
These hips don't lie: some incomfortable pain in my right hip. Possibly because B is now pushing against it?
These boots were made for walking: Walking? I feel like they are just going to pop out down there. I admit that I have done too much this week. I haven't walked much, but have been sitting upright a lot. When I do walk, it feels like a ton of bricks between my legs.
Contraction-traction-: I've had a few, maybe I could count on my hand the amount of contractions I've had this past week, the painful ones. I remember one in particular when my Plus 1 was home. I laid down on the couch and it started. I was trying to focus and she came over "mommy mom mamma mommy" I said, "what baby?" She wanted breakfast!! Well, I told her she needed to wait. She didn't like that, so she woke up her daddy. I felt really bad when I asked her to leave me alone, mommy hurts. :(
The contractions feel like how my periods felt before I had Ava. Like the kind that 800-1000mg of naproxen would cure. Thankfully, I have 1 or 2 at a time and they disappear, but are these 1 or 2 causing the progression in my cervix? Or was it from sitting up or from the constipation last week?
Funneling a tunnel: I have felt something going on in the vajayay. Apparently the funneling is causing that feeling of something being in there. Nice, huh?
Hang in there Honey. You are in the home stretch. Just try to rest as much as possible and keep those feet up.