Wednesday, September 25, 2013

26 weeks- 1.9 cm

Went in for a transvag ultrasound today thinking maybe this would be my last ultrasound. It isn't!
First of all, the twosies look great!
A is measuring 2lbs 3 oz and in the vertex position. 
B is measuring 2 lbs 6oz and also in the vertex position. She went from breech to vertex and I didn't feel it. Like a ninja!
Cervix went from a 2.8 to 1.9. The doctor said she wants me on modified bedrest still, but I am putting myself on full. When I was on full, my cervix didn't move. The perinatologist suggested full the last time I saw her and she has more experience than my doctor. So I'm going full and will only be up for 2 hrs a day. Babies need to cook!

What has been going on this week? 
These hips don't lie: some incomfortable pain in my right hip. Possibly because B is now pushing against it? 
These boots were made for walking: Walking? I feel like they are just going to pop out down there. I admit that I have done too much this week. I haven't walked much, but have been sitting upright a lot. When I do walk, it feels like a ton of bricks between my legs. 
Contraction-traction-: I've had a few, maybe I could count on my hand the amount of contractions I've had this past week, the painful ones. I remember one in particular when my Plus 1 was home. I laid down on the couch and it started. I was trying to focus and she came over "mommy mom mamma mommy" I said, "what baby?" She wanted breakfast!! Well, I told her she needed to wait. She didn't like that, so she woke up her daddy. I felt really bad when I asked her to leave me alone, mommy hurts. :( 
The contractions feel like how my periods felt before I had Ava. Like the kind that 800-1000mg of naproxen would cure. Thankfully, I have 1 or 2 at a time and they disappear, but are these 1 or 2 causing the progression in my cervix? Or was it from sitting up or from the constipation last week?
Funneling a tunnel: I have felt something going on in the vajayay. Apparently the funneling is causing that feeling of something being in there. Nice, huh? 

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

25 Weeks

25 Weeks

I havent posted in 2 weeks! I am so sorry... Bed rest must be sooooo much fun!

Haha... Seriously, bed rest is kind of nice. Difficult to get used to and probably not ideal with a 3 year old, but I am resting!

Last week I went in for an ultrasound and everything came back fine. The babies are beautiful and my cervix didn't move from the spot it was at before. My OB did send me in to get a round of steroid shots to help the lungs develop (celestone I think is the name). The first one, Wednesday, hurt like hell. The following day's shot wasn't so bad. I had to keep all profanity to myself because I had my little Plus 1 with me. She was AMAZING during the entire 2 hour process.
I was not, however, ready for the side effects of the shot. First thing I noticed were my cheeks. They were bright red, like I was a drunken Irish girl or just kissed by the sun. The next thing I noticed was the restlessness. I wanted to sleep, but my heart raced and had other plans. I would lay down or even slightly at a decline and it felt like all of the blood in my body went to my neck and I couldn't breath. When I would fall asleep, I was quickly awaken by the sound of my snore!! Talk about annoying... 
My scalp was super itchy... GROSS, I know! But that usually happens to me when I eat something I'm allergic to. My Boobs.... They turned red as well! Swelling? YEP! Needless to say, I am not a fan.
Time for TMI talk- Since I had the shot, I cannot have a comfortable BM and it is killing me. I usually go several times a day with no issues. Now I am only going once daily or every couple of days. I can't stand it. I feel sooooo stopped up. However, it isn't hard when it comes out- just the process is difficult, if you get my drift. I drink a ton of water and eat lots of fiber. I even tried eating dairy, cheese and ice cream, to help clean me out... No go! This is the most ANNOYING feeling ever! I really think Baby A's head is just blocking everything... SO I am going to try some yoga poses and see if I can't move her.

There really isn't anything new this week, except I do have some tips for surviving bed rest with a toddler/preschooler.
1) If you are able to, send them to daycare/preschool/babysitter. It makes your daily naps and couch lounging more peaceful. They do not like to see you relaxing. 
2) Groom yourself daily. Take a shower, do your hair and makeup, dress comfortably. This will lift your spirits and put you in a good mood to do nothing. 
3) Catch up on your reading. Most of the classics are free on your reader, if you have one.
4) Take interest in new shows/movies. I really haven't developed this yet, but I have caught up on some movies on Netflix.
5) Join those mommy/baby boards. Find groups that fit your interests. For me, I joined boards about twins. Just a warning- some women get really RUDE and obnoxious... Deal with them how you wish, but don't let them piss you off. The crazy women have not graced their presence in some of those boards. 
6) If you do have a tablet, invest in some apps that will entertain your child. 
7) Do not feel bad that you are not giving them your undivided attention and keeping them engaged. This is a time for you to relax and keep cooking those babies! Most kids will understand that mommy cannot move too much if you explain it to them. Mine understands and will let me lay on the couch. Unfortunately, she will NOT let me fall asleep. Every 5 minutes I hear "Mommy, Mom, Momma, Mom , Mom, Mommy, Mommy..." Sounds like that little baby from that silly cartoon show. 
8) If your child wants you to do something with them, see if you can somehow manuvoer the situation so that you can still lay down. I have a coffee table by the couch, so if she wants me to color or play with playdoh I can lay on my side and still work with her. 
9) Have a reading time with your child. Pick a few books for the day. Try not to pick the same ones daily. There are only so many times I can read The Hungry Caterpillar and 101 Dalmatians before I want to go crazy!!
10) Don't worry about the crazy messy house. Try not to... It will get cleaned when it gets clean. If you can, have your child help clean. Sometimes I tell her that she needs to pick up her toys before we watch a movie or read a story or have lunch... Try to make it game, "Pick up all of the yellow toys." If the mess is too much, invite friends and family over. They will be more than happy to help.
11) Keep healthy snacks and drink accessible to your child. Otherwise you will be up more than you intended catering to their munchies. 

Well, my eyes are crossing which means it is time for bed!  Feel free to add more!

Here are the twosies at 25 weeks. 

Monday, September 2, 2013

22/23 weeks

22/23 Weeks
These past two weeks have been pretty adventurous. Let me break it down:

  • Last week I would wake up every morning around 3:30 to contractions that we painful, like I was going to start my period. I would track them on my nifty app and they would go away after an hour or so. They would happen periodically throughout the day as well. I started to get worried about it Saturday. I did a little research and came across a thing called Prodormal labor. It describes exactly what I had with my Plus 1. Women will contract and dilate to 3 or 4 cm and will stay there. One article described it as being like a feeling when you get a cold sore, that tingling before the sore comes. I haven't had one of those, but maybe it could be like that feeling before you get sick or the way your skin feels before you get a zit. It is the body just getting ready. Some women have it, some don't. Anyways, could be what I am experiencing. Actually, I know it is!
  • I started to "google" how to stop preterm labor. I was in the downward dog and bear yoga positions all Sunday. I did come across magnesium supplements to stop preterm. I should have known! A few hours after I took the supplements the contractions stopped and I felt amazing. I woke up at 3am this time with no contractions. It was nice. I knew from the beginning that I was deficient in something. I just didnt know what. I suspected it was magnesium. I asked my doctor, not knowing that all of the bloodwork they tested for doesn't test for magnesium because it is absorbed by your bones. I told them I am deficient in something mainly because of my nails. Horribly brittle, uncharacteristic. Anyways, took it and haven't had many issues since!!! Do some research on magnesium in pregnancy, twin pregnancies, and in general health. It does amazing things. It is a natural muscle relaxer, protects your heart, lungs, digestion... This mineral is amazing. I'm starting to wonder if I was deficient for the first pregnancy and that would cause prodormal labor and why her teeth are horrible and her nails are brittle despite the amounts of calcium she intakes. 
  • In just one week of taking magnesium I have noticed some substantial things. 
    • First is the obvious, contractions. I NEED to take 500mg in the morning and 500 at night to keep contractions at bay. As soon as I try to experiment with taking less or staggering them throughout the day, I have contractions. Interesting that I told a nurse this and she called them Braxtons... I'm sorry, but I am very familiar with Braxtons. Not Braxtons at all, especially when you lose your mucus plug. She didn't know anything about me, so I just laughed. 
    • Back to the mags. Another difference that I see in just one week are my nails! They are starting to grow back. And they are strong! 
    • My dizzy spells are gone. I was getting dizzy constantly sitting or laying down. It was annoying. I haven't been dizzy in a few days. 
    • I can sleep! It is so nice to be able to sleep through the night without waking up in pain or being uncomfortable. 
  • Back to the mucus plug thing... I am pretty sure it came out a week ago, the day I started the magnesium. When this happens, it usually doesn't mean much and it grows back. It is normal for it to come out during prodormal labor.
Now, I am pretty confident that these babies will make it to at least 36 weeks. I would like to go longer of course, but we will see what happens!

How are the twosies?
Size: 1lb 3 oz each
Heart beats:153 and 155
Positioning: Baby A is head down with her feet by my left rib cage. Baby B is breech with her head on my right ribs, he feet are by her head and her butt is in her sister's face. 
Movement: Lots of movement. I love it. A and B are on different schedules already. Ill feel A for part of the day, then B will wake up. Occasionally, I feel both.
Cravings: PSL from Starbucks... It is officially FALL!
Nothing else interesting is going on because I am on bed rest. It is actually very uncomfortable sitting up, so I can't spend much time on the computer. I do lay in bed on the iPad often. 

I will post a picture tomorrow!