I apologize for not blogging in a while. Only a few of you understand how exhausted I have been. Just like every singleton pregnancy is different, every twin pregnancy is just as different. There are many pregnant women with twins who carry full term and have energy. I am definitely NOT them. I am not a great blogger!
What is new in the development?
Movement/Position: All over. They are in a 69 position, but B flips all over the place. Though, she is often feet down. She sticks her big out all the time causing some significant discomfort. It didn't bother me at first… but now that she is bigger it looks like a freak show and feels even stranger. A always has her little feet moving around the middle of my belly, right around where her sister's head is. Kicking her in the face… :)
Ultrasounds: Are twice a week now. The last one was on Tuesday and A's head looks like it is ready to pop out at any minute. We can't get any good pictures of them anymore. *Sad face*
Size: Not sure on an accurate weight. The last weight was taken 3 weeks ago: 3.9 and 3.6 lbs. Im feeling like they are more around 6 lbs now! The next weight will be taken next week.
Cervical exam: 4cm dilated and posterior. Posterior is a good thing, it means the head is still back far enough I guess…
Contractions: Yes. Mostly Braxton Hicks. However, last night I had a series of them every 2 minutes for 40 seconds. It only lasted about an hour and subsided so I could sleep. I do think I dilated more because of some very light blood this morning. God knows I will go into the hospital at a 9 and not feel a thing! I did confirm with my OB that the babies will not just fall out like I keep imagining. :)
Csection or Vag?: Thankfully, my dr is strong on Vag deliveries. However, she is the only dr at that office that believes that for twins because she is the only one that has experience in breech vag babies as long as A is vertex. I prefer a vag delivery, but if she is not on call or is unable to come and the babies are still opposite then I am doing a csection. I do NOT want a double whammy!
Sleep: Exhausted all of the time. Today is the first day I have had some type of energy in a few weeks. Maybe evidence that labor is around the corner? I don't sleep much at night because I am usually up to pee and have random contractions… so much fun!
Mood: I am moody most days, but some days I am very calm.
Top 3 Things people say that piss me off ruffle my feathers:
1) "WOW! You look like you're due any day!"
My response (not necessarily out loud): Yep, and my water is going to break right now. Better get the broom!
2) "You are really going to have your hands full!"
My Response: What do you mean? They don't take care of themselves?
3) "You better sleep NOW!"
My Response: How about you try sleeping with two moving babies in your belly, contraction, having to pee, pee, contraction, pee, more moving, can't get comfy, contraction, pee…