Wednesday, August 21, 2013

21 Weeks

21 weeks
I am 21 weeks with 3 more weeks until these twosies are viable! It is so scary to think that, but I have every intention of keeping these babies in until at least 36 weeks and if I need to be on bed rest until then, SO BE IT!

Bed rest is a nerve racking experience. I went on bed rest a little too early this round, earlier than expected- all because of work. I need a sitdown/ laydown couch job. :) 

I can across an article about vernix. It intrigued me, so I looked into it more. I wouldn't say I "researched" it, because I hate that term when all you have is the internet on hand without actually experiencing the idea. Anyways- vernix is that white coating on the baby when they are born. Many people don't want to hold their baby until this coating is off and the baby is cleaned up and swaddled. My experience with Ava wasn't that I wanted her clean- I was in complete shock because she was so beautiful and perfect. I couldn't move.... Kind of silly, but yea... I know now I will put this little tid bit in my birth plan. Some studies suggest holding off on giving the newborn a bath because the vernix will actually help protect the baby's skin. The exposure of those nasty bacterias after they are born wont be as shocking if you delay their first bath. Apparently it acts as a hydrophobic barrier, antimicrobial, temperature regulator, antioxidant, antibacterial, and a moisturizer. The vernix will naturally come off after 5 days. Some people have said that it helps premies because of the protectant properties. They also suggest that it will help the babies to bond easily to the mother. Not that they don't already bond, but rather than putting them in an unnatural bath with regular baby shampoo first or even a few minutes later will make a difference. With the possibility of having premies, I am all for this! One article I read even suggested taking a bath with your baby as their first experience. 
Here is one article and to the right of it are more abstract you can search through. Also "google" "delay baby's first bath". A ton of information will pop up. It is interesting to note that many of the studies were completed in the 70s, 80s, and 90s. Not too many recently used in this particular article.

We have been racking our brains for NAMES! Nothing is sticking out. With Ava, we had 3 names that came to us- it was so easy! Now, I/we cannot think of any we can agree on. 

What is going on?
Dizzy- Mainly when I am sitting or laying down. The other day I was sitting up in bed with Ava. Her head was on my stomach and I kept getting dizzy. 10 minutes later I blacked out for a split second, jilted because I thought I fell out of bed. I didn't. Sitting her on the computer I get bouts of dizziness. Driving with the hubs the other day, I got car sick because I was dizzy. I have a feeling these babies are sitting on something that is blocking the blood to my brain!! 
Stomach issues- Im back to hypoallergenic foods for me! Hopefully, I can resist the urge to indulge in those delicious things pregnant women should eat. My stomach is killing me.

See you next week for an update on the cervix!

 or two...

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

20 weeks part 2

20 Weeks Part 2

I went to see my Dr for an ultrasound on my cervix yesterday. It has shortened, so now I am on bed rest for 2 weeks. She said I am extremely dehydrated. I know I am! I started back to work 2 weeks ago. I made sure to bring in a water purifier for my classroom and started off pretty well drinking water. Then, it got really busy. The past 2 days one of my students drank from my cup and I just couldn't bring myself to drink from it again without it soaking in hot water... I cant even drink after my Plus 1, how am I going to drink after a student????
I woke up with morning with a charlie horse in my leg! I haven't have those since I was in high school. How crazy is that? It is 9 am and I have already had 99oz of water. Still thirsty... but no contractions, yet!!
The dr did say I may have a UTI, so she is running some cultures. 

Let's talk about the Twosies!

Weight- Each measured at 12oz!! Average size is 10oz... About the size of a banana. They are being nice and sharing the food. They have enough fluid as well. 
Heart beats- Both in the 160s. 
Baby A is still low and B is on my right rib cage. A is usually sprawled out and B is curled up with her back facing out. 
They look so big in the ultrasound! They look like babies now and not little aliens. :) 
I left my pictures at the dr's office... Hoping to call them today to see if they still have them. 

Time to fill out some leave paperwork and take a nap. See you next week!

Monday, August 12, 2013

20 weeks

20 Weeks
I cannot believe it has been 3 weeks since my last post! AH! I started back to work and haven't had the energy to do anything at home. Let's see what is going on this week:

Hormonal- Yes! I cry at the drop of a hat and I will laugh hysterically when I am done. It doesn't make sense. 
Sleep- Yes and No. When I want and can sleep in, I am unable to because my Plus 1, almost 3 yrs old, likes to wake me up between 6-7am. This past saturday I was so ready to sleep till 10 am, but my Plus 1 yelled at me because I was on the wrong side of the bed. Then, she wanted "dinner" (hasn't learned what "breakfast" means). At this point, I am ready to fill her room full of granola bars so she can feed herself. :)  This morning is Monday and of course I have to get up early to go to work. Instead of letting my alarm wake me up at 5am, I am up at 3am. Even better. This happens every work day. I am tired and I do try to lay there to fall back to sleep, but I just can't. 
Cravings- Food. I have had a hankering for buffalo chicken. Horrible for you and loaded with sodium which doesn't help my sausage fingers. I keep meaning to go grocery shopping to pick up some ingredients to make cauliflower buffalo bites. I did have my fix for sauerkraut. I have a very large container as backup.
My belly- It is getting big. I went to see the perinatologist 2 weeks ago. Everything with the twosies is amazing. They couldn't get a read on my cervix because I was contracting. Lovely. It was just a braxton hicks contraction; however, I have been getting them more frequently and am nervous about what the doctor is going to say on Tuesday about my cervix. The contractions happen when I am sleeping and will wake me up. They get to the point where I cannot get comfortable and they will not go away till I stand up. It is such a nice feeling at 2 am. As soon as I lay down, they are back again. They happen as soon as my students leave from school. I think I ignore every signal my body gives me throughout the day and as soon as they leave it hits me like a ton of bricks. I tried to get a few things for dinner from Target, because it is on the way home, and I had that intense feeling of needing to sit down. I knew it was a bad feeling and I am praying my cervix hasn't changed on Tuesday. 
Movement- This week the movement has exploded! Baby B is going nuts. She sits right where my ribs meet. At first I thought it was a muscle spasm. But no, it is definitely all baby! She is having a party and it feels amazing. I can feel her little body on the right rib cage where it feels like she is going to bust it open. Baby A is a lot lower. She sits right on my bladder. I feel her most of the time.
What is on my mind? I had a lot on mind. I am so happy to made it to church on Sunday. The sermon was about mending broken relationships and how important your family and friends are. I am so thankful for my sister and her beautiful family. I am blessed to have amazing parents. I am also blessed to have wonderful friends. Some friends and I do not see eye to eye on certain things and I feel like they are often offensive and really piss me off deep down. I do know and need to remember that there are people who will never see what I see. Just because someone is a "negative" factor in you life, doesn't always mean you should rid them of a relationship. If there is a tiff over some silly bullshit, it is worth losing a family member or a friend? Let bygones be bygones and move past it. God always gives us a chance to start over before it is too late. 

Here is a not so good picture of me at 20 weeks: