Tuesday, June 25, 2013

13 Weeks + 2 Peaches + Foamy Bread?

Happy 13 Weeks! 

The Twosies have fingerprints now. Isn't that amazing? Something so small can have identifying features. 
They are each 3 inches long, about the size of a peach! The twosies also are forming vocal cords. If the twosies are girls, they already have ovaries and eggs in the ovaries! The development is just amazing. But, I am hoping for boys this time. 

As I reflect on this week's food choices, I am in shock over the amount of crap I have eaten. I'm NOT overly concerned about the amount of weight I am gaining, I am concerned over the amount of crap that I am ingesting and, boy, am I feeling it.
I have had stomach aches almost every day this week. I've been eating breads, pasta, cheese, canned soups, processed high sodium and everything else I shouldn't eat. I think these food are causing me to dehydrate easily; therefore, causing me to cramp a lot more. 
I am bloated... and it sucks. So, time for me to flush and eat more fresh foods. 

My sister informed me that bread has FOAM! WTF... FOAM?
So I looked into it as soon as I got home. I started thinking about that loaf of bread in my pantry that has been good for over a month... Gross!
Most breads contain Bromide and Azodicarbonamide. 
Bromide apparently is naturally occurring in ocean creatures. We ingest it through food, asthma inhalers, and other medications. Fire retardants and an alternative for pool chlorine are both made from this substance. However, when humans ingest too much bromide, it harms your endocrine system. It is linked to thyroid problems, cancers, behavioral problems, and the more severe: psychosis and schizophrenia.

Azodicarbonamide is another food additive. It was first used as an ingredient to build foam plastics and synthetic rubber (yoga mats for example). The UK advised its people that this substance is the cause of Asthma! Of course it is banned in European countries, but not in the good old USA!

Here is the link to the pesticide database that contains the interesting side effects if inhaled or comes into contact with your skin/eyes... 

Well, I feel bad for feeding my family the bread that stays good for years. Nothing but the fresh made stuff for us!

Just a funny I felt was appropriate for this week... 

Thursday, June 20, 2013

12+ weeks

Almost out of the "worrisome" first trimester!

The twosies were playing the drums today. It is such a good feeling.

I have been on the elliptical more, maybe twice this week! 
If my body is telling me I need to rest and not move, then I listen. The weight will come off and it isn't something to be concerned over. 
Being pregnant with twins, your body wants you to gain more weight in the beginning because you really wont have any room to eat towards the end and you may go into preterm labor. The more weight you gain earlier on, the healthier the babies will be in if they are born earlier. 

Aches and Pains- 
My hips hurt! Well, one hip hurts. It is always popping. 
Sciatica nerve pain is a bitch! Sunday, I couldn't walk without feeling like my back was going to break. I did a few lower back arch stretches that took care of it for a little while, but it hurts so bad that I don't like doing them. 

Food and snacks-
I made peach cobbler on Sunday for Father's Day. It was delish! The Hubs didn't even take a bite, so I ate it all in 3 days. :)
I also made 2 dips- basil hummus, and dill yogurt dip ( he doesn't like that either). I've been dipping cucumbers, carrots, and celery in with an occasional chip or cracker. 
I have never really liked cereal too much, but lately it has been my go to breakfast! I love to chop up bananas, strawberries, and blueberries and add them to my cereal. 
I made toasted asian quinoa for lunch today. It was really tasty! Saved some left overs for lunch tomorrow. 
If you would like to see these recipes, let me know and I will update this post. 

Can't sleep... Bought some camomile tea to help calm me down.

Hormones- are going wacky!
I feel like I am having a boy, but I thought Ava was going to be a boy. 
I think I am having a boy because I feel like my testosterone levels have increased. My face has started breaking out, also I have the patience of a rubber band and can snap at any time. I guess we will find out in about 5 weeks. Until then we will keep guessing. 

 12 months with twosies (blurry)

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

11 Weeks: Development "Wait! Did I forget something?"

Well, the Twosies are 11 weeks yesterday. There has been so much going on in this belly, that it is unbelievable.

The Twosies are the 1 1/2 inches long each. Both are approximately the size of a fig.

They already have personalities. Baby B was a dancin' maniac; while baby A was very chill. It will be interesting to see them in a month and if they still have the same personalities.
I am feeling them more often now which is the greatest feeling in the world. Let's see if I feel the same way in 3 months. The "doctors" say there is no way that twins can be felt this early; they say it is impossible. However, if you feel something little moving around and you don't, ehh emm, fart or burp shortly after it is probably the babies. And, second timers feel babies earlier anyways.

I was brushing my daughter's teeth and getting her ready for bed when she started to talk about the babies. I got so excited! She said while lifting her shirt, "I have 2 babies (holding up 2 fingers) in my belly. One here (pointing to one side of her belly) and one here (pointing to the other side)!" I asked her if mommy has babies in her belly, and she said, "No, no babies in your big belly! Just my big little belly!" I just about died... She cracks me up. The idea of brothers or sisters has been brought up to her, but I need to do something more. She is very nurturing, so I think she will be a great big sister. However, she now wants me to feed her like a baby and she wants to use the baby spoons. I honestly don't mind. If this makes her feel better, why stop?

Oh, I almost forgot...
Forgetfulness is in full swing! Anyone who knows me knows that I am normally forgetful. I need many reminders throughout the day. I think it has something to do with the enormous amount of information my brain can hold that it sometimes gets lost in there.
I sent out a card to our little niece who turned one, and just about misspelled everything- even my name. The poor guy behind the counter at the post office was very nice and understanding since I had my screaming miserable little girl right next to me when I was filling out the address and spelled the city wrong. He must have had grandchildren.
My husband asked me about dinner Monday night and I literally couldn't tell him the ingredients which included peas, corn, green beans and mashed potatoes... Nothing! I couldn't spit anything out, but he is so good he understood what I was saying.
I had to take my little one to the dentist and I couldn't think of the word "sealant". Instead it was, "You know those things that cover your teeth." She is having teeth issues even with brushing and flossing. (I'm thinking I may try to have to rinse with apple cider vinegar a couple times a week to kill the bacteria.)
I forgot that I has soup boiling on the stove, went to the bathroom and came back to find my stove top covered in hot soup!

Sleep- I have been staying up throughout the day instead of napping for the past few days because my brain just keeps thinking. It wants to gogogogo. I fall asleep easily, but have been waking up at 4:30 am without my little one's wake up call. If I lay there for 4 hours I will eventually fall asleep, but by that point my daughter wants to play and there is no sleep.

I have been trying to stay away from gluten, not because I want to jump on the GF bandwagon, but I do have a reaction every time I eat it. It is difficult though when your husband brings home donuts for breakfast. When the donuts aren't here, I will eat 2 egg tacos. I use 2 corn heated corn tortillas, 2 eggs, a little bit of cheese, and half an avocado.
It is pretty good and I haven't had a reaction, even though I am allergic to eggs and milk.
I do need to eat more protein, but I don't really want it. Going grocery shopping will help, I guess. Quinoa is a GF grain and a full protein. Very versatile. I'm not one for beans. Actually thinking about bean and legumes during this PG makes me gag. I did find almond milk ice cream and almost died of happiness!

What was the biggest thing you forgot about?

P.S. My BFF for 15 years turned 30 today! Happy birthday!

Friday, June 7, 2013

10 Weeks

I found out at week 6 I was pregnant with twins. I was in complete shock. I was scared to death. I honestly didn't think it would happen to me. I mean, my husband is only a twin and has a few sets on his side, and I have a few on my side. But, what are the odds? 
I cried... for days.
I cried over the fact that my spoiled rotten little 2 year old girl will no longer be my everything. She will now have to share- her toys and all of the attention. 
I cried over the fact that I work. I'm a teacher for students with exceptionalities. It was difficult to learn about the cuts that they are making to save money and the amount of kids I am going to have, but it would put more stress on my pregnant self. I cried because I really don't want to go back. As much as I love my class and my students, it tears me apart to know that I cannot put my own kids first. I am going to try to convince my husband that I need to stay home for a few years.
I cried over the financial aspect. How am I going to pay for day care for 3 kids on a teacher/policeman salary? 
I also cried over the belly. The first thing I did the night that I found out was google "twin pregnancy belly". I am going to get huge.
I cried over knowing how selfish all of these things seem since we were trying for another baby. One baby, not two more!
I cried because our family vacations to FL and GA will not be happening for a while. I wanted to take my daughter to Disney World in October, but I will be too pregnant...
I cried because I felt like shit. I was so sick; I felt like I had the flu. Body aches, fever, ear aches, joint pain, nausea... It was bad. Then, I can across an article that suggested that it could be a deficiency in folic acid. I immediately started taking an additional supplement on top of the prenatal for 800mg of folic acid. WOW! What a difference. I think all morning sickness sufferers need to up their folic acid. 
Oh! I cried because I was bleeding and cramping. I started bleeding after we went camping- I know, DUMB! 
When we went camping and I started bleeding, I didn't know we were having twins. I went to the OB to find out why I was bleeding, suspecting a miscarriage. They found TWINS, but didn't tell me why I was bleeding. We were so wrapped up in the twin thing that we all forgot. So, home I went. I bled for about a month. I went in for a follow up ultrasound 2 weeks after finding twins. The ultrasound tech (don't ever listen to them), said everything looked good, but the Dr would call. I was excited and by that time, the bleeding had lightened. A few days later at work, I bled more than before and it was dark and scary. I called the OB and they asked if I saw the DR. I replied, NO! So, the nurse told me over the phone that the doctor didn't see the ultrasound, but I had a "small subchorionic hemorrhage." I asked what that meant and she said it was just a bleed... WOW! Thanks for that information. 
Needless to say, due to their lax attitude about twins and my bleed I found a new OB! 
My new OB sent me in to do 5 pages of blood work orders. Oh MY! She also said I gained 10lbs in a month... CRAP! (I'm blaming it on the massive boob growth I have had.)
She said the bleed is GONE and I am free to move around the cabin. :) Since I had been on summer break for the past 2 week, I have not been doing much. I think it really helped to heal the bleed. 
She also suggested that I go on progesterone shots for every week starting at week 16 since I have a history of preterm labor. 
I am fighting in my head over this shot. I really believe that I went into preterm labor because I was completely dehydrated. They stopped it at 32 weeks and I was able to hold on to her until 37 weeks. I would think if it were truly preterm labor because of a thin cervix, I would have had her then or close to then. But hey, I am not a Dr.
I want to hold off on the shots until about 20 weeks or so. I am going in every month right now to measure my cervix, so maybe I will go off of what my cervix does. I am not sure.... 
I also read through March Of Dimes that progesterone shots have not had any effect on women with multiples. It hasn't been proven. Of course I want to do what is best for the babies. However, I feel like my motherly instinct is telling me these shots are not well enough researched. So many questions. Like, will it make the babies (if they are girls) more moody, have behavioral problems, be larger? If they are boys, will it make them more feminine? What kind of psycho pregnant lady will be on the shots? If i continue to drink my 2 gallons of water a day, will I even have preterm labor? 

Sorry for being so long winded on my first blog! :) 

Remember: If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say nothing at all....